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Care Home and Domiciliary Care

Nurse holding hand of a patient

Adult safeguarding is a critical part of everyday life in looking after vulnerable people in care/ nursing homes or via in their own homes.

Many people in this group have care and support needs and that those involved in delivering that care give incredible support to those who need it. However, they also come across situations where there is a clear need for Safeguarding actions to be taken.

The Safeguarding Board in Surrey wants to support you as Care Homes or Domiciliary Care agencies, in your roles by having specific links to information and resources that will help you in relation to Adult Safeguarding.

The Board which is made up of members from the key agencies including Surrey Care Association is tasked with making sure that as per the Care Act those people in need are supported effectively. Safeguarding is everybody’s business and that access to knowledge and information on best practice and who to contact if you have a concern are vital parts of supporting people in care.

The objective here is to help add value to your work and we want to see this as a two-way relationship where you can add items of good practice or knowledge that can help fellow agencies and workers in this area.

We hope you find this useful and would be grateful if you could feedback on its content and value to you in your role.

ADASS Closed Environment checklist tool

NICE – Safeguarding Adults in Care Homes (published February 2021)

SCIE Infection prevention and control for care providers

SCIE – Dignity in Care (published June 2020)

Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Materials:

Information for Professionals – Concerned about an Adult

Information for Professionals – Leaflets & Resources

Information for Professional – Policy and Procedures

SSAB Training programme

Guidance Materials:

Keeping you safe at home and in your community – easy read

Keeping you safe at home and in your community

Next of Kin

Keeping you safe from abuse

Useful Links:

Action for Carers

Age UK Surrey

Surrey Care Association

Surrey County Council: Looking After Someone