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SSAB Conference

The Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB)  2023 conference was held on 22 November, which was attended by over 400 people from a variety of agencies across the county from frontline practitioners to senior managers.

During the day there were a variety of sessions to support agencies and the Boards strategic plan, with an opportunity for online networking sessions.

We thank all our speakers and also attendees for their valuable input to the day.

Below you will find all the videos and resources from the session.

Conference Agenda
Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Conference Agenda 2023



Welcome Speech and Introductions by Teresa Bell, SSAB Independent Chair

Session 1 – Our Approach to Adult Safeguarding and Investigations by Surrey Police

Session 1 – Presentation slides

Session 2 – Professional Curiosity by Emily Smith, Research in Practice (RIPFA)

Session 2 – Presentation slides
Session 2 – Resources Sheet

Session 3 – Unexplained Injuries, Neglect & Acts of Omission by Debbie Potts, Surrey County Council

Session 3 – Presentation slides

Session 4 – Domestic Abuse, Mental Health, and Trauma informed Practice by Dr Asha Patel, Innovating Minds CIC

Session 4 – Presentation slides

Session 5 – Learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews by Alison Ridley, Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

Session 5 – Presentation slides

Session 6 – The Future for Safeguarding Adults in Surrey by Teresa Bell, SSAB Independent Chair

Session 6 – Presentation slides

Closing Remarks by Teresa Bell, SSAB Independent Chair